Welcome to the Trigger Warning Podcast
The Trigger Warning Podcast Production blends dark comedy with mental health topics, providing a unique platform along with FAQs, articles, and crisis support resources.
Subject to contain sensitive language and explicit content intended for mature audiences only.
Stories shared by our guests or anonymously do not represent or reflect the views of the hosts of this podcast.
The contents of this show do not reflect the views of our employers.
Listening to and/or watching this podcast is done at your own risk. All the trigger warnings are listed within our episode's notes and in the beginning of each of the podcast episodes.
We do not condone violent behavior or explicit behavior of any kind.

Podcast Production
Professional podcast production with a unique twist.

Content Creation
Engaging content that combines humor with impactful messaging.

Mental Health Advocacy
Advocacy and support for mental health through our platform.
Frequently Asked Questions
“The Trigger Warning Podcast is so incredibly relatable. Thank you ladies so much for being real and opening up. It truly makes me feel more supported."
Anon Lunatic
“I have watched every single episode of your podcast and you ladies have come such a long way with the quality of the show. I am so excited for season 2 and watch you both tackle more difficult topics that so many of us need to hear discussed. Thank you both for the awareness you bring on your platform"
Anon Lunatic

Supporters of our podcast have reached out to offer donations to aid in the growth of our platform. Donations can be sent to the "Podcast Donations" link below. We love that our supporters want to aid in our success and we're truly grateful for every single one of you. We will be donating a percentage of our donations to the NAMI.
Contact us
Reach out for any inquiries or collaboration ideas!
Connect with us!!
About us
Trigger Warning Podcast is more than just a podcast production. We specialize in blending mental health discussions with dark comedy to create a unique, engaging, and healing listening experience. Our mission is to break the stigma surrounding mental health issues through the power of humor and open conversations. With a deep commitment to quality production and content that matters, we're here to make a difference, one episode at a time.